Bond County
Association for Home and Community Education
Washington County

About Us:

Bond County HCE was founded in 1944 and is presently composed of 68 members in five Units and Mail Box. We strive to enhance the lives of our members and our community through quality programs, experiences, and educational opportunities, including secondary education scholarships for up to four Bond County residents per year.

Board Members/Other Responsibilities

  President: Sharon Fitzgerald
  1st Vice President: Carole Bohle
  2nd Vice President: Carol Boatright
  Secretary: Sherri Beckham
  Treasurer: Penny Wait
  Cultural Enrichment Director: Pat Sutton
  Family & Community Issues Director: Janice Tompkins
  International Director: Pat Sutton
  Public Relations/Newsletter Editor  
  Volunteer Positions  
  CVH: Beverly Greenwood
  4-H Carol Lingley

Programming & Lessons


Bond County HCE offers a variety of lessons. Many are developed by the University of Illinois Extension and we enlist local experts/presenters for other lessons.
Examples are:
Edible Plants
Happy Hacks for Positivity & Well-being
Penning Your Past
Understanding the Impact of ACEs
Medical: AFib, Alzheimer's, Vision, Inflammation & Arthritis Alternative Treatments, etc.
Foods: Fondue, Air Fryer, Instant Pot, etc.
Selecting & Caring for House Plants
How to Save on Travel
Financial Emergency Preparedness,  just to name a few

Annual Events

HCE Annual Meeting - Held in July - Catered luncheon, short meeting, awards, memorial, and speaker/entertainment.

International Day - Held in October - "Authentic food" from country of study, presentations about the country of study usually by someone who has personally visited the country.

Attending Programming and Events

If you live in the Bond County, Illinois area and would like to join us for any of these, call the U of I Extension Office at 618-664-3665 or to make a reservation. Or contact Sharon Fitzgerald 618-920-7854 or

Contact for Membership

Carol Boatright, 2nd Vice President, 618-749-5624 or