Association for Home and Community Education
Grundy County HCE has 33 members and more are welcome.
We have three (3) units:
Morris Morning meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 9:00 AM.
Morris Night meets every month-place
and time TBD.
Nettle Creek meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at
Book Club meets 3rd Friday of the month at 9:00 AM.
Farm Bureau, U of I Extension Office.
Grundy Board meets 3rd Friday of the month at 10:00 AM.
Farm Bureau, U of I Extension Office.
Lessons for 2024:
January | Balance & Coordination: Chair Yoga | |
February | Laughter is Good Medicine | |
March | Rattle Rattle Bang Bang | |
April | Salad in a Jar | |
May | Flower Arranging | |
June | Unit Meeting on Malaysia | |
July | Antibiotics: Story, Use & Abuse | |
August | Unit's Choice | |
September | Tips for Preventing Dementia | |
October | Five Flavors: How the Palate Changes | |
November | Cultivating Your Own Blue Zone | |
December | Unit Holiday Event |
2024 Board Members:
President | Kathy Peterson | |
1st Vice President | Chris Perry | |
2nd Vice President | Debbie Sole | |
Secretary | Patricia Buchholtz | |
Treasurer | Betty Pierce | |
Cultural Enrichment | Kristi Banghart | |
Family Issues & Community Outreach |
Monica Evans | |
International | Patricia Buchholtz | |
Public Relations | Monica Evans | |
Volunteer Hours | Kay Bonneur |
Location and Contact:
The location of our County Lessons are held at the Extension Office, 815-942-2725
Farm Bureau Building, 4000 N. Rt. 47, Morris, IL 60450
Contact, Monica Evans (Public Relations) at: 815-274-5199