Kane County
Association for Home and Community Education

About Us:

Kane County HCE was founded in 1918 and is presently composed of 83 members and 5 Units. Monthly Board meetings are held on the second Monday of the month. We support HCE by being lifelong learners and supporting our community by volunteering.

Board Members/Other Responsibilities

  President: Naomi Redman
  1st Vice President: Pat Kowalkowski
  2nd Vice President: Elaine Bond
  Treasurer: Carol Roncoli
  Cultural Enrichment Director: Diane Orland
  International Director:  
  Public Relations/Newsletter Editor: Nancy Haire-PR and Ann Rempfer-Editor
  Volunteer Positions  
  CVH Mari Curless

Programming & Lessons

Kane County HCE offers a variety of lessons. Many are developed by the University of Illinois Extension.
Examples are:
The Real Story of Winnie the Pooh
Disaster Preparedness
How to make DIY Wasp Trap
Easy Chair Yoga
...just to name a few

Annual Events

International Day The Country of Study changes each year. We have a yearlong study of the country’s culture, government, food, etc. We celebrate and embrace the country through presentations and tasting their cuisine. Usually held in March.

All County Picnic held during August.

Fun Day & Fine Arts Competition-creative Program held in October.

Attending Programming and Events

If you live in the Kane County, Illinois area and would like to join us for any of these, call the Nan Long, U of I Extension 620-584-6166 for more information.

Contact for Membership

If you live in the Kane County, Illinois area and would like to join us, contact
Elaine Bond, 2nd Vice President, 630-584-6019, hfa3006@aol.com