You may have noticed a photo at the top of the web pages. This photo is changed every 2 weeks, or 26 times per year and we need your input.
If you have a good quality digital photo, 1MB or larger, that you would like to have displayed at the top of your IAHCE website, please e-mail it to our Webmaster. The photo can be about an HCE activity, project, event, or an item you have made. Places or things of interest in your county are great. Holidays, nature, or scenery is welcomed. Nothing controversial such as politics or religion. We don't want to offend or show favoritism to anyone.
Due to the space available at the top of web pages, submitted photos will be cropped to fit.
Photos containing people may be accepted providing faces not visible. Not everyone wants their picture online.
Please include a brief description about your photo. If photo is used, credit will be given to the person
and county submitting the photos. Only an IAHCE member may submit photos.
I can‘t guarantee your photo will be used.
Please send photo as an e-mail attachment, along with your name and your
county to the IAHCE Webmaster:
Angela Hicks -